#PattiesSon and what else?

Posted by mickung

Is Twitter kidding us?? Yea right they didnt block anything that has got to do with Justin Bieber eg. biebs, kidrauhl, belieber and many more.

But damnnnnnn Twitter.. We aint dumb! We start tweeting things like #PattiesSon, which did made it to TT. Now that we know that thats the way to get a TT, people started to "invent" new TT to put up like #PattiesSon #JeremysSon #JazmynsBrother #JaxonsBrother #CaitlinsEx #RyansBestFriend #ChazsBestFriend #KennysBoss #UshersProdigy #rebeibnitsuj!

Beliebers are AMAZING!
