I wouldn’t have normally thought about posting the Christmas gifts I received, but I was so excited once I unwrapped these that I had to show them to you guys!
So, who remembers my ‘favourite book post’ last month? I was SO happy with the feedback from everyone and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on some of the books that you recommended me, but as a poor student I knew I wouldn’t be getting them anytime soon. Anyway, as an amazing, total surprise Christmas gift, my Mum (the little detective), went through all of your comments and bought most of the books you recommended me!!
Demian and Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
You Better Not Cry by Augusten Burroughs
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Shiver and Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
Ghostwritten and The Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
206 Bones by Katy Reichs
The Snowman by Jo Nesbo
The Other Side of the Story by Marian Keyes
How amazing is that!!! I was over the moon with these pressies as they were a total surprise and I really can’t wait to read them. So thank you for all your great recommendations, after I’ve read them I’ll let you all know what I thought!!
I only got a few pieces of makeup for Christmas, which is good because I really shouldn’t be getting any more, I have way too much! My sister bought me Miss Selfridge’s trio of Glitter Eyeliners and trio of Lip-glosses. So far I’ve only swatched them, but the glitter eyeliners look gorgeous. The texture of the lip-glosses however seem really odd, and they don’t smell particularly nice, but the nude brown one looks wearable for me!
I also got a Rouge Bunny Rouge ‘As if it was Summer Still, at Netherway Grove bronzer, because its my favourite bronzer ever and I was desperate for a backup, and I kindly got sent a Rouge Bunny Rouge Lip-gloss in Birthday Suit 029, from Zuneta as a little Christmas gift, which I’m already in love with. I think RBR are my new favourite mu range!
Did you all have a good Christmas? Did you get any books from Santa?
P.S – I’m afraid that for the next two months I will be posting less frequently, because of Uni! I write this blog in my spare time and as my dissertation is due in February (which I’m ashamed to admit I’m really behind on!) most of my spare time will be spent writing that along with other photography work. But don’t worry, I have a few other posts planned for when I have a free hour or two. I will still be posting, just a bit less! I’ll be back in full force after Feb 28th!