Bleach update
This episode was one of the best in the entire series. We saw Mizuiro really go at it I was really impressed by him in his social life he’s a little twit but when it came down to being resourceful he really pulled through… and I was slightly surprised to see that he had been catching on that there was something going on with Ichigo. Then Afro-san showed up and tried… I have to give him credit for trying and it did buy Ichigo some time… But the real story of this week was Ichimaru Gin, from the time I started watching Bleach I have hated Gin, in fact you could say I loathed him. But now I cant.
In this episode we saw Gin turn on Aizen, and we found out that this whole time Gin wanted to kill Aizen because he had hurt Matsumoto. I cant hate a guy like that, now I’m not saying that everything he did was right I mean he was a creep (although I think that may just be a personality defect.) but thinking back besides the third seat he killed when he first entered the G 13 he didn’t kill anyone he didn’t have to and although he poked at people he wasnt going around killing people and if you think back when Byakuya saved Rukia I bet he could have killed him if he wanted to, and although he drove both Momo and Kira to the brink of insanity the interesting thing was besides betraying them what did he really do?? I mean really think back I don’t remember anything but his irritating comments he didn’t ‘do’ anything. Its really funny to think back on that. I cant say that Gin is now my favorite character, but I cant hate him… In fact I kinda like him… Man I cant believe I just said that but its true. I now like Ichimaru Gin…
Anyway this week Mizuiro is going to get the pic but next week I will be feathering Gin.