The webcomic can be read here: http://thecustomarts.com/young/young1-00.htm
The artwork really takes advantage of the use of gray tones that make each page look like a a beautiful noir canvas. The story clearly belongs to the mecha genre, but don't be fooled since webcomics actually have the liberty to mix in other elements that give way to experimentation.
The characters are portrayed through their expressions and emotions rather than focusing on accuracy on how they really look like, which blends right in with the style of the backgrounds. The reader can connect perfectly with the characters, their actions, how they feel, and that is precisely the magic of manga.
The synopsis of the story reads:
A worldwide epidemic has ravaged most humans on the Earth by being mass produced as a drug called Seven. Several people around the world have unique resistances to the disease, Young and his family being some of them.
Young seeks the last piece of the cure by finding his father, who is among the highest ranking officials of Seven Corp., before he runs out of time and is consumed by Seven himself.
'Young' has already a completed volume with two big chapters, and a second volume that is frequently updated.