Jordan and Greyson were no match for the reigning Prince of Pop!
Jordan Jansen and Greyson Michael Chance may be trying to give Justin Bieber a run for his money on the music charts, but according to HollywoodLifers the Biebs still reigns supreme in one important category – his hair! You choose Justin’s signature shag over both Greyson and Jordan’s with roughly 75% of the vote! Check out below to see what some of our commentators had to say:
- Liz: Greyson … I Love Justin and Greyson but I choose Greyson. Justin’s voice has changed but still love him!
- Nicole: Jordan all the way! And I wouldn’t exactly call Justin the original, people had that look before Justin too!
- Lindsay A.: I Love you Justin Drew Bieber!
- Paige: You seriously put Jordan and Greyson on here? They have nothing against Justin.
Jordan! Greyson! Justin! Which teen dream has the snazziest shag?
It looks like Jordan Jansen isn’t just challenging Justin Bieber and Greyson Michael Chance on the music charts – he’s also rocking the duos signature shag! So we want to know HollywoodLifers: do you prefer newcomer Jordan’s handsome locks, Greyson’s midwest style, or do you only have eyes for the original – Justin?
Vote below and let them know!
He’s got the hair. He’s got the talent. But can he get the fans?
The parade of tween boys entering the pop music world continues, and like Justin Bieber and Greyson Chance, this mop-topped newbie has YouTube to thank for his sudden success. Jordan Jansen, 12, is the latest pride and joy of Australia after rising to popularity online, and he’s got his sights set on the US. Jordan cites Michael Jackson, Jason Mraz and Michael Bublé as his biggest musical inspirations, but between his age and his look, we’re thinking he’s a lot more like Justin and Greyson.
Here are a few things we know about Jordan’s career:
- He has 16,500+ follows on Twitter (and he’s verified!)
- The videos on his official YouTube channel have been viewed more than 3 million times
- His legions of fans are trying to get him on Ellen
- He’s already had a crazy run-in with a fan! “I was singing at the Carrara Markets and a girl started screaming and crying saying ‘oh my God, it’s you,’ then started hyperventilating,” he said in an interview. “She was grabbing me and hugged me so tight I had marks on my neck. I was just laughing the whole time, I was in the middle of a song.”
What say you, HollywoodLifers? Do you think Jordan has what it takes to usurp Justin and Greyson’s throne? Watch this clip of Jordan singing, and tell us how you feel!
I just combine the 3 post into one .
because i think u must read it all in ONE TIME :)
keep beliebing :)
That kid can rap like his daddy!
May has been a good month as we have started to see glimmers of gorgeous Summer weather here in London, I’ve nearly finished uni for the Summer term, and I’ve generally been having a lot of fun! In this post I have chosen to showcase my most used and favourite products from this past month!
Miss Dior Cherie Fragrance – This is my summer fragrance! I got my first one a few years back on holiday abroad with my girlfriends, and whenever I smell it I am reminded of then and all the fun we had and the great weather. The smell is just delicious, elegant yet sweet, just delicious! The bottle is obviously adorable also.
Estee Lauder Lipstick in Crystal Baby – This is possibly my favourite lipstick. Its the one I wear the most, my go-to; the one I can slap on and know it looks good. It is pretty much my exact lip colour but adds a nice even sheen and creamy pink finish. It smells so good, its silky smooth and really moisturizes my lips and the packaging is just exquisite. I will pop up swatches of this and my other Estee Lauder lipsticks up soon!
MAC lipglass in Live & Dye (Blonde-Brunette-Redhead Collection) – I’ve had this since Christmas when the collection came out but honestly never used it as it felt really sticky and just lame for Winter weather. Now it is warmer I have been wearing this lots, over all lipsticks! I didn’t realise how silky it made your lips feel, like you have a big layer of silk over your lips. The colour is cute but doesn’t show much, this is my only MAC lipglass so I’ll probably try out another colour when it runs out!
Topshop Cream blush in Neon Rose – You can see my post on this product HERE! Its a gorgeous cream blush which I’ve been using over powder blushes for a pop of colour!
Carmex cherry lipbalm – Smells delicious, lasts a long time on my lips, cute little tub, moisturizes, SPF 15, what more can I say!
MAC MSF in Soft and Gentle – This is my favourite bronzer and the only one I normally use, ever! I am so pale, as you all know by now, but this just gives a beautiful flush of golden shimmer over my cheeks an really brightens my face up. I love it!
The Body Shop Face and Body brush – I actually have about three of these on the go right now, one for powder, one for blush and one for clearing up fall out from eye shadow! It is the softest, most gentle brush I’ve ever used and I possibly couldn’t live without it now, haha! These last a very long time, I’ve had my first one for three years now and its still in pristine condition (just wash it regularly!).
So there you go, my most used from the month of May! I am so excited that Summer is nearly here and I think it is reflecting on the products that I chose as my favourites and what I’ve been using. I’m sorry that I haven’t been updating as much recently, I’ve had a lot of work and essays on, but I promise to pop up some more swatches soon!
Is there anything in particular you girlies would like to see next? Do you like my May favourites?

El colaborador en la creacion de este manga, junto con Hiroyuki Takei, se dedicó a firmar ejemplares del volumen numero 1 de este comic para sus fans en la convención Rock'n Comic-Con, realizada en Pasadena, California.
Ultimo es una historia que comienza en Farmless City,, un suburbio al oeste de Tokio cuando un dia sus ciudadanos estan aterrorizados de contemplar dos figuras mecanicas en el cielo. Una es Ultimo, y otra es Vice, seres mecanicos con habilidades sobrehumanas que representan al bien y al mal, respectivamente. La trama se desarrolla a partir de quienes son y por que estan ahi.
Justin dance alot in this video!! I cant wait for the video!!

One of my guess was right!!! I searched on Karate Kid's Soundtrack and BAM!!! Justin Bieber is in it and its the last track of the album! Its a song called Never Say Never which ya'll might have heard before on youtube. Its a song of Justin Bieber featuring Jayden Smith(if u're wondering who is this guy, he's Will Smith's son!).
"Never Say Never"
Written by Adam Messinger, Nasri Atweh, Justin Bieber, Thaddis Harrell, Jaden Smith and Omarr Rambert
Produced by The Messengers
Vocals produced by Kuk Harrell
Additional Rap Vocals produced by Omarr Rambert
Performed by Justin Bieber featuring Jaden Smith
Justin Bieber appears courtesy of RBMG/Island/Def Jam Music Group
Here's a preview of it. We'll get to hear it full tomorrow!!

The main female protagonist in the story is 2nd Lieutenant Alice L. Malvin, she is the second in command and field leader of the Pumpkin Scissors. An inexperienced soldier of noble origin who graduated in the academy just before the ceasefire (the ceasefire was announced literally in the middle of the graduation ceremony for the class of officers she was in at military academy); Alice's hot-tempered and reckless demeanor tends to sometimes put her and her subordinates in danger. She has a strong sense of duty and justice and tries to live up to her family's military traditions, contrary to her father and sisters' belief that she must assume a more feminine behavior. While she is the current heir to her family, she will likely lose this position once her younger brother comes of age.

Due to his reckless style of combat, Randel is frequently hospitalized during the series. These hospital stays lead to a running gag about the size of the corporal's penis, and the inability of the hospital staff to get a urine container that will not break.
In the story you will encounter a lot of interesting characters that will make the story much more colorful. Now that the main characters are being introduced, here comes the synopsis.
Set in a region strongly resembling Western Europe, in which a catastrophic war has just ended similar to that of the two world wars that occurred in the early parts of the 20th Century, the Royal Empire and the Republic of Frost have declared a ceasefire to end the war indefinitely. The Empire is plagued by starvation, and pestilence, with former soldiers turning to thievery, banditry and others forms of crime, forming into gangs to survive the post-war period. To aid the people of the Empire in the war relief effort, the Imperial Army State Section III, also known as the Pumpkin Scissors unit, is established.

The anime series of Pumpkin Scissors is good and interesting, the animation is mostly decent, but noticeably fluctuates. For an action series, I wouldn’t say the action sequences are that great: many of the important fights are battles of attrition, which can become rather dull at times. The fights involving Oland are more interesting and generally over quicker, but they follow an obvious formula: blue light comes on – Oland takes out his Doorknocker – trash gets taken out.
Just watch it and have some comment here.

Who is Greyson Chance ??
Greyson Chance shot to fame so early by sheer luck. His performance of Lady GaGa’s ‘Paparazzi’ on a school talent hunt was recorded and later was uploaded to YouTube.
It ran like a virus from there on. Till now the video of Greyson performing the song, playing a piano have had more than 10 million hits.
That same piece was seen by Ellen DeGeneres, one of the judges of ‘American Idol’ and she invited Greyson to her talk show. That talk show was something to remember for the little crooner as his favorite Lady GaGa herself gave a call and talked to him there.
Now he has a contract with Ellen DeGeneres record label.
In fact, he is going to be the first-act for Ellen’s newest foray into music industry. Ellen has also given the budding, little entertainer a piano and $10,000, Chance revealed.
The way his video and fan base is increasing in geometric progression; Justin Bieber might just be a tad bit worried. We, the listeners will always expect stiff competitions between this two as that and only that will sure bring out the best in them both.
why everyone try to search next Justin Bieber ??
even Greyson Chance got a talent , Justin Bieber still the best . YEAH
#justsayin @greysonchance follow me on twitter :)
i'm not get chanceFever
because i love BELIEBING more than others :)
This is from the lucky girl's view!!
View from the girl behind the lucky girl!
View from far. U can see the lucky girl's reaction!
Personally~ I'd blush.. And i'd stare back into his eyes as long as possible! When would there be a next time that i can ever get him to stare back into mine right??

Then Justin tweeted this!!! Karate Kid?? He's gonna have a soundtrack for that movie? He's doing a feature with J Smith?? What?!? JUSTIN IS KILLING US WITH CURIOUSITY!!! TELL US ALREADY!!

And he tweeted again~ I have a feeling its a feature with J Smith~

Thirty-four-year-old forklift driver, Mick Follers of Condell Park, describes himself as Justin Bieber's No. 1 fan and he's got the number plates to prove it.
Paying $440 a year for the privilege of personalised plates Mr Follers said he was motivated by his appreciation of Bieber's songs and that he might make some money selling them.
Mr Foller didn't bother to go and see Bieber when he appeared in Sydney on David Koch's Sunrise program but he has followed the popster faithfully on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.
"I've downloaded all his tunes from iTunes,'' he told The Daily Telegraph.
"I'm one of his older fans but I like his stuff.''
Asked if he believed David Koch's allegations about Bieber's "foul mouth'', the no-nonsense storeman said he wasn't sure about Kochie.
"I doubt what he (Koch) said was true but on the spur of the moment he (Bieber) could have said it. I think everyone does occasionally.''
In the meantime, Bieber fans have responded to Kochie's statement that the talented teen needed a "slap'' for his alleged f-bomb to a staffer. And they're not happy.
While most replied in a similar vein to Melbourne blogger Drew Boy "it was a loada B******T!'', for many it was more a case of Koch? Koch who? "Who's Peter Koch?'' asked one.
Sydney law student Atia twittered to Bieber: "@justinbieber u Mean wot that old bald man 4RM sunrise said. That were rude in Australia. He is a Mean person. Ignore him.''
This was in reply to Justin Bieber's plaintive: "i know my friends family and fans know the person i am. hearing adults spread lies and rumors is part of the job i guess.''
Atia's response to Kochie was less polite: "U bald old Koch from Unrise plz grow up. And leave Justin bieber alone. He is only 16 trying 2 grow up.''
Kochie tweeted: "Bieber fans calm down. No big deal. Was in paper. But in public eye have to be nice to people. Is a good bloke learning to deal with fame''.
This response may have satisfied Kochie's 1081 followers, but not so the Bieber's 2.7 million fans.
Kat Drummond from Indiana summed up the general response, tweeting: "It's almost amazing how many different stories there are about Justin Bieber's interviews?"
Source: Daily Telegraph
Wow~ And i thought i was a crazy 22 years old Belieber(And i have haters for being a 22 years old Belieber. They said im too old. Is that freaking wrong??). This guy wayyyyyy older and wayyyyyy crazier to do something like that!! And i don't hate him for being a Belieber. I am happy that Justin Bieber is loved by people at any age!!
What do u think? Yay or Nay for him to do that? Leave us your comment!
Follow me on Twitter!

Shantel Simpson isn't afraid of getting caught dancing to Justin Bieber's music -- even if her three children make fun of her. The 39-year-old mother, who boasts 'Eenie Meenie' and 'Overboard' as her favorite Bieber songs, tells PopEater that her kids "don't like Bieber at all... But I don't care. I blare his music."
Even though the floppy-haired, 16-year-old pop star has a reputation for making young girls swoon into compete hysterics, women over 35 are now stepping forward to admit they've caught "Bieber Fever," too.
Simpson first heard Bieber's music on the radio one day and has been listening to it ever since. "I like Justin's sincerity. He seems really down to Earth, and his mom seems to be doing a good job."
But being an older fan hasn't been easy for Simpson. "People always joke, 'Oh he's jailbait,' or 'He's just too young. He can't sing and doesn't have the voice.' But that doesn't bother me," Simpson tells PopEater. "There are a lot of older fans, but people are just afraid to admit it," she said, adding that her 42-year-old friend in South Carolina likes Bieber too -- even though they both "get made fun of for it."
Louise Rowe, 45, admits she had preconceived notions when she first heard Bieber's songs on the radio. "Actually, I thought he was black, so when I saw him for the first time, I was surprised like, 'Who is this little white boy?'" she laughs. "He can actually sing. He doesn't need to depend on anyone else or use a synthesizer or auto-tune to sound good."
Despite all the critics, Rowe believes Bieber has a long career in front of him. "Look at what he has done so far with 'My World.' His voice is still changing, but he'll get better over time. I'm really looking forward to it," she said.
Bieber's bubble gum pop pandemonium is obviously expanding, and it's not just consumed by young girls anymore, so rock on, Bieber. Show us what you've got.
Source: Pop Eater
OMG!!! I really think this is cool!! Middle-age Beliebers!! See haters of mine!! Thanks for calling me creepy!! I have my army now!! LMFAO!! But seriously.. I could relate to Louise Rowe's story! I felt the same way when i first heard Bieber's One Time!!

Im not too sure if u can vote multiple times. But it seens that u can!! So get voting already!!
"I mean, if you’re driving you make a little stop at, you know, the Wal-Mart rest stop ... you're good," Bieber tells the Johnjay and Rich radio show in San Diego.
Bieber says that while he's yet to try the parking lot maneuver inside the new Range Rover his pal Usher bought him for his 16th birthday, he's certain that if he does, it'll work out well.
"I'm a good – I'm a great kisser," the singer says, noting he's made out with "a couple chicks."
When one of the radio hosts then complimented Bieber's "nice, little full lips," the comment threw the tween sensation off for a second. "Oh ... I don't know why you're saying that," Bieber said jokingly.

who wants to be kiss by JUSTIN BIEBER ???
OMG why all of you put ur hand up ??
Marvel Entertainment has formally announced that the Madhouse produced Iron Man anime television series will premiere in Japan on October 1st on the Animax satellite TV network.
Source: Moon Phase
Marvel Entertainment ha anunciado formalmente que la version anime del comic, producida por Madhouse, tendra su premiere en Japon el 1 de octubre en Animax, canal satelital.
Vean aqui el trailer a ver que les parece:
Funimation originally licensed Eden of The East at its Otakon panel in 2009. The company then announced in April that it also licensed the three planned Eden of The East films. Funimation will release the 11-episode series on DVD and Blu-Ray on September 28.
Funimation announced that it had licensed the Hetalia - Axis Powers historical comedy series in January. Funimation is currently streaming the first 16 episodes of the series. Funimation will release the first season of the series on DVD on September 14.
Funimation revealed in February 2009 that it had licensed the My Bride is a Mermaid romantic comedy series. The company began streaming episodes of the anime on its website in December. Funimation will release the first part of the series on DVD on July 20.
Eden of the East saldra en DVD y Blu-ray el 28 de septiembre de este año, mientras que Hetalia saldra el 14 de ese mes, y My bride is a mermaid saldra el 20 de julio, dos meses antes.
Aqui van los trailers!
Eden of the East
Hetalia: Axis Powers
My bride is a Mermaid - Mi novia es una sirena
Justin gets blocked on Twitter.
A guy made an application the "shaved" whatever things that is realted to Justin Bieber on internet browsers.
People saying he gave the middle finger for asking about his tattoo.
People saying he have a foul mouth.
And soooo much more....
@BieberEnergy made a very touching video. Watch it.. I teared..
Tell us what u think. Comment
And @bieberarmy_asia love u justinbieber...

Bieber currently has around 2.7 million followers on Twitter, making him one of the most-followed people on the service. But more impressively, Bieber has seemed to dominate Twitter’s Trending Topics area lately. Or rather, he did. Then something happened. “Twitter, if you’re here. You changed your algorithm,” Braun half-joked.
Braun noted that for most of the tweets it is actually Bieber tweeting. In fact, Braun is the only other one with the password to the account — and those tweets are clearly not from Bieber. And of course Bieber is going to tweet for himself: “He’s talking to the 2 million girls has at his disposal,” Braun said.
More seriously, Braun said that the usage of Twitter is actually pretty important. It shows that he’s ”the same person who was talking to them before he got huge, is still talking to them now,” Braun noted.
He noted that there may be a random girl in Iowa who never thought she’d ever talk to Justin Bieber, then he responds to her on Twitter. “That’s something she’ll remember for the rest of her life.”
Bieber spends a least two hours a day on Twitter, Braun noted. “He likes doing it. That’s what kids do.”
Source: TechCrunch
So people have been saying and blogging and youtubing about hating Bieber. But removing him off the browser is wayyyy to much! Web designer Greg Leuch invented an application/software thats called "Shaved Bieber" to block out anything Justin Bieber related. Like his name or even his pictures!! Seriously?? For real?? First Twitter banned him from TT.. And now this?? If u have have no clue what the fish im saying.. Watch this annoying video!!
What have u gotta say bout that?? Leave your frustrations on the comment below.

Navarre: Funimation met expectations, but new owner will help it expand.
Conocidos por ser los animadores de D.grayman, Funimation pasara a otras manos mientras Navarre se especializara en distribución de software. Funimation no cesara sus actividades, sino que sera cuestion de quién compre esta division y sea el nuevo jefe.
Looks hot with both dark hair and blonde hair!
Which do you like better blonde Katie or black haired Katie?

Say it ain’t so! Australian television host claims that The Bieb told a producer “Don’t ever f****ing touch me again!”
Sounds like Justin Bieber may be getting a diva complex! The teen pop sensation reportedly turns into a brat as soon as the cameras stop rolling, the Australian paper Herald-Sun is reporting. The host of Sydney morning show “Sunrise” claimed that the 16-year-old actually swore at a producer! “I thought, ‘Maybe someone needs to drag you aside and give you bit of a slap,’” David Koch said. Oh, Justin! The Bieb tweeted a response to the allegations:
“Family time with my mom couldn’t come at a better time….I was raised to respect others and not gossip…nor answer gossip with anger”
“I know my friends family and fans know the person I am. Hearing adults spread lies and rumors is part of the job I guess.”
Now that sounds like the Justin we know…or we thought we knew!
“We had him on and he was a thoroughly nice bloke… really decent guy,” Koch told Sydney’s Mix 106.5 radio station.
“Our floor manager was directing him to where he was about to perform and [he] turned around and said to him: ‘Don’t ever f***ing touch me again.”
It gets worse. Apparently, Bieber’s regular sound technician said that “he tells us that all the time.”
Oh Justin, we hope this isn’t true!
Source: Holloywoodlife
I imagine Beyonce Knowles has spent more time in the salon than on stage over the course of her career, which is fine by me seeing how she always looks stunning.
Have a look at these pictures of dashing hairstyles worn by Beyonce Knowles.

not all bad but mostly i think .
but firstly i'm back .
hmm maybe i will not always blogging but i will try my best :)
but before i continue to write , WHO MISS ME ??
OMG no one of you put ur hand up :((
here we go !!
n a new promo for the June 6 awards show, Ansari and Bieber saddle up with some soda cans and potato chips to watch the critically acclaimed war movie in 4-D — a viewing experience that brings actor Jeremy Renner's bomb-disposal efforts straight out of the screen and right into the living room.
But as Ansari begins gleefully cheering and Bieber starts eating his snacks too loudly during one particularly intense sequence, a visibly frustrated Renner loses his cool
"Relax on the chips there, cowboy," Renner warns Bieber, prompting a startled Ansari to issue a warning of his own: "That's Justin Bieber, bro! People don't talk back to him!"
Renner tells Ansari that he doesn't know who Justin Bieber is,
and frankly, he doesn't care — not when there are deadly improvised explosive devices waiting to be disarmed.
But Renner's cell phone betrays those claims once it starts ringing for the whole room to hear — playing none other than "Baby," Bieber's chart-topping single.
"You know exactly who Justin Bieber is!" an angry Ansari exclaims as he leaps out of his chair. "And you just disrespected him!"
what actually Renner want to ?
did he want attention from Justin Bieber ??
read more here

just want to say .
i'm now in new study place.
i meet up a lot of Bieber Hater .
proudly they know how to sing baby :))

Following on from a poll the other day, Crunchyroll have now setup a petition to get 100,000 signatures and help it aquire the rights to simucast Bleach.
The petition will be sent directly to Japan, and if sucessful, could see simucasted on the site.
Crunchyroll already have a deal with Tokyo TV and is enjoying sucess with other SJ shows such as Naruto Shippuden and Fairy Tail
anyone interested in signing the petiton is asked to visit
Parece ser que los Crunchyroll seran los que esten a cargo ahora de proveer los episodios de Bleach subtitulados desde el momento en que DB los deje de proveer.
Para eso han habilitado una pagina con una peticion para enviarla a Japon y de esa manera puedan obtener la negociacion con TVTokyo por los derechos de transmision simultanea y fansubbing.
Haz clic aqu para firmar!