Beelzebub is an action and comedy story in which by a twist of fate, a rebellious high school student becomes the surrogate father of the son of the devil, while Toriko is the story of a hunter looking for rare and exotic animals to convert into exquisite meals, in a world where taste and texture of foods is the only thing that matter (???).
Both mangas, published since 2009, have never had an anime adaptation before, so that's why they'll be part of the Jump Super Anime Tour this year.
Beelzebub es una historia de acción y comedia, en la que por cosas del destino, un estudiante rebelde de secundaria se convierte en el padre sustituto del hijo del Diablo, mientras que Toriko es la historia de un cazador que busca animales raros y exóticos para convertirlos en exquisitas comidas (???).
Ambos mangas, publicados desde 2009, nunca han tenido una adaptación al anime antes, por eso formarán parte del Jump Super Anime Tour de este año.
I’ve been lusting after this little baby for ages, but my local Superdrug was always out of stock of it, until one day two weeks ago. I obviously snapped it up and couldn’t wait to try it out!
I was instantly impressed with this product and its become a staple in my make-up bag. I’ve never used a brush to draw on my liquid liner – I’ve always only used the little nib that came with liquid liners in the past. I find the brush allows me to create looks of different types of flicks on my eyes, different sizes of lines and generally it gives me more freedom to play around and create different looks.
I’ll show you two simple ones that I’ve been doing recently with this.
Top lip-lined -
Sexy flick! -
Its so so easy to create a lovely sleek flick with the brush that's included, and I just adore painting the gel liner on, instead of just drawing it on with a nib.
There are a few things that do bug me about this product though – 1) It doesn’t last all day – it tends to smudge and rub off into the crease of my eye, even when I apply UDPP and eye primer. 2) The brush included obviously isn’t going to last long, its gotten really stiff already, meaning I can’t get all the freedom I want from it all the time. 3) The gel formula is odd, I can’t explain it, but it isn’t smooth when its on the brush – its kind of clumpy, excess product gets on the brush if you know what I mean?
For £4.50, I really can’t complain though. The outcome of the look massively outweighs all the cons and I still adore this little gem. I’m really glad I bought this product as it has become a favourite in my makeup bag and I would definitely recommend it to all my friends.
And, get this – since I have been wearing this, my Dad, on two occasions now has complimented me on my ‘eyelashes’. Hahahaahah! The first time he said ‘Your eyelashes look really long and pretty today Katie, extended on the outside’!
The second conversation went like this
Dad: You’ve done that thing with your eyelashes again, haven't you Katie? It looks really nice.
Me: You mean my eyeliner, Daddy?
Dad: No, your eyelashes…
Me: DADDY! That's my eyeliner – I’ve just been doing it differently *I then close my eyes to show that it is drawn onto my top lid'* SEE!
Dad: Ohhhhhhhhhhh! It looks really good!
Hahahahaha Bless him!!! See, even the men have noticed the difference!
Has anyone else used this product? What do you think? Is the consistency the same for you? I’m thinking of taking a look at the other shades available in this product, I want more!!

Bleach Update
Ok so I’m like totally it the best mood ever! Ukitake just did his realese and I had done some reading on it but seeing it OMGosh that is so frinken cool! And Shuunsui is very very funny I like that old man. I have to say some thing interesting is that unlike all the other Espada I don’t hate Stark in fact I may kinda like him it depends on what happens from here though.
sorry for not giving new Reviews I'm working on it and I will do a big thing on Otaku-con

And if it wasn't for the internet, many people would never see her with brown hair...

Summer 2010 Long Wavy Hairstyles Trends for Women.

celebrity long wavy hair styles for blonde hair.This look isn’t about to go out of style anytime soon. Wavy hair is hot, hot, hot.

In the spring of 2010, the major show court fluffy mess of punk style hair bow can be picked up, punk-style hair big popular these days, bursting with record-high popularity.

Eva Mendes is commonly seen in long hairstyles, however occasionally she can be spotted wearing loose ponytails, medium-length wavy hairstyle and blonde bob. Eva Mendes invariably wears long and soft wavy or straight hairstyles when she hits the red carpets. Eva looks stunningly sexy in wavy long hairstyles with brown updo and fringes.

Folks are so diverse in 2010, which means that there's never just one hair style trend that's hot at any given time. All of history is fair game for re-invention. Truly, there's not much that hasn't been done before. Yet somehow, each incarnation takes on a fresh spin, and emerges fabulous.

magan fox wears her hair very long she needs make sure his shine.

Long hairstyle makes the look more sexy and feminine. But in the long run they are difficult to maintain and it takes time to keep looking good, else would go to be damaged if you don’t take good care of them.
Here are the catergories that Justin Bieber got nominated into!!
Choice Music: Breakout Artist — Male
• Justin Bieber
• B.o.B
• Jason Derülo
• Drake
• Nick Jonas and The Administration
Choice Music: Album—Pop
• My World 2.0, Justin Bieber
• Animal, Ke$ha
• The Fame Monster, Lady Gaga
• Here We Go Again, Demi Lovato
• The E.N.D., The Black Eyed Peas
Most Fanatic Fans
• David Archuleta
• Justin Bieber
• Miley Cyrus
• Glee Cast
• Twilight Cast

IT JUSTIN BIEBER'S DRIVING PERMIT!! It was leaked out to the internet. Dont ask me how coz i really dont know~ =P How do u think he looks? If u're wondering why his hair is not swept to the side like its normally is is because u have to show your full features on the face(including eyebrows) for official pictures.. Hence his hair is that way~ Teehee!!
What do u think? HOT or NOT?? Comment!!
Thanks @BieberSmileGood for the pic!

Today, her dark brown hair is cut to a medium length with a side part. This simple, chic look makes her look casual and mature. With her glasses, which she sports frequently, Moore really shows that she has become a sophisticated young woman with an impeccable sense of style.

asian celebrity popular fring hairstyles .

Bang hairstyles are one of the most versatile and therefore work well with almost all types of hair length from short to medium long hair. You can choose various styles and shapes including a medium wavy bang hairstyle with angles along the sides of the face. Whenever you go for medium bangs, the trick is in cutting the perfectly angled layers along the face. Heavy bangs with layered hairstyles have a stunning and piecey effect, which you can see in the hairstyle of Ashlee Simpson, model, actress and sister of hottest style icon Jessica Simpson.

Full bangsSuri Cruise and Valentina look adorable in classic full bangs. This style works best with super-straight hair. For really thick hair, full bangs lessen the bulkiness and make hair easier to style and manage.

Jennifer Lopez is wearing her hair in a chic long hairstyle with bangs as she makes an appearance at Samantha Thavasa shop in Marui City in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.

long, voluminous wavy hair parted in the middle and worn loose. On both sides the fringe drops down across the eyebrow and sweeps out across the line of the ear. The hair beneath this is tucked behind the ear on Nicole's left, leaving that cheek more exposed than the other. Nicole Scherzinger's hair color is glossy black.

Long hair is still fashionable, you can easily add bulk and definition with some layers and curls, you’ll never go wrong as long as you are willing to put in the time to style it, add a few hair accessories and you’re sure way to flaunt it!

Long hair is truly timeless. However, every season it varies in the way it should be worn. Forget about flat irons this season, because you won’t be needing them. Instead, opt for a ceramic curling iron, to create glamorous waves without the unnecessary damage.

Worn sleek or textures either dead centre, middle of the head or off centre.

Beautiful curly black hairstyle for long hair.Celebrity Vanessa Hudgens with this curly long hairstyle looks so great.A good long hair style for oval,round, and square face shapes.

Es una gran noticia ya que significa que la estrategia adoptada recientemente por Viz Media, en la que los episodios son transmitidos simultáneamente en Crunchyroll, hacen que sea más probable que sean visto en todo el mundo y también permite la oportunidad de ser traducida en varios idiomas, incluyendo el español, lo que favorece una mejor distribución. Atrás quedaron los días en que había que esperar meses para ver los episodios nuevos de tu anime favorito!
Aquí está el enlace del calendario de programación de Adult Swim de agosto:
Also known as Blue Exorcist, its author is Kazue Kato and it began to be published by Shueisha in April 2009.
With the visual style of D-Grayman, its premise is simple but it hits you on the face on the first pages: Rin is the typical boy who lives fighting in the streets, is an orphan and lives in a monastery.
His protector, father Fujimoto, constantly fights with him so he can finally get a job, because when he reaches 16, he can't stay at the shelter anymore.
His twin brother, Yukio, is more reserved, shy and a pacifist. Yukio is accepted into the True Cross Academy for his medicine studies.
In a fight with an enemy of his neighborhood, Rin discovers he can see demons and also has supernatural powers to combat them.
When father Fujimoto comes to exorcise the demon that was hounding Rin, he reveals the thing he least imagined in his short and difficult life: he is the son of Satan with a human woman.
This manga definitely has the potential to be the next Bleach in terms of a supernatural theme. The Saint Seiya style fights are there, the drama of being half-human half-demon is there, too. The tone is also very similar to Death Note, in the Gothic look of the panels and the characters.
You can get this manga on scanlation sites, it's currently 15 chapters and 3 volumes long but well worth it!
Here's a preview:

It's great news since that means that the recent strategy adopted by Viz Media, in which the episodes are simulcasted on Crunchyroll, makes it more likely to be seen worldwide and also to be translated in various languages, including Spanish, which makes for a better distribution. Long gone are the days in which you had to expect months to see your favorite anime episodes!
Here's the link to the entire Adult Swim August schedule:

I have currently retreated to bed after burning my poor little knees in the sun today, so I’m now cheering myself up with nail polish swatches! I’ve built up quite a collection of swatch pictures which I just haven’t got round to posting as I’ve been so busy, so I thought I’d put them in a post together!
Nails Inc – Candy
I obviously snapped this up when it was a freebie in instyle magazine and I’ve worn it lots since and really like it. Recently all I’ve been wearing on my nails is bright, vibrant, dark colours, and it was nice to take a break from those and wear this as its quite a neutral pink colour. It lasts well, doesn’t chip for a few days and is easy to take off. The images above are three coats which gives a nice opaque finish and I find the colour very feminine, yet smart.
Revlon – 093 Tropical Temptation
I’m not quite sure how to describe this colour, I’d say its a pink peach, but quite a milky one. Its very pretty, not quite as bright and stunning as Barry M’s Flamingo Pink, but still very wearable and stylish, especially for this summer! I really couldn't get a decent picture to show you the true colour of polish, but I tried, and above you can see it looking slightly different in different lights – pink in sunlight and rather peach coral in tungsten light. I do find that Revlon polishes chip quite a bit, and for the price (RRP £6-7) I wouldn’t expect that, but the colour is nice so I don’t mind all too much. Oh, this is also quite a pain to apply as it streaks a bit, and takes a while to dry so you need lots of patience and time when applying this!
Barry M – 161 Vivid Purple
Sorry for the horrible short, smudged nails in these swatches! Vivid purple is gorgeous but pretty daring and not for everyday use. Not completely sure why I have this colour, but its nice to have if you want to match it with a purple dress or shoes or something! Its quite pigmented so you only need two coats, and its pretty much the same as the other Barry M nail polishes in terms of chippage! Good value for money and a nice one to have in a nail varnish collection!
Hope you enjoyed these swatches, I’ve actually cut down on buying nail products for a while as I have far to many, so I will start swatching all the ones I’ve gathered soon! Which is your favourite out of these three?