Is your hair naturally thick and wavy? Do you want a wild hairstyle for you next trip out? You may want to consider a super curly hairstyle in which tight, messy curls fall all round your head and shoulders. This look can be accomplished relatively easily if you have the hair to suit it. This look is best suited for those who have thick, wavy, shoulder length hair. To get this cute and sexy hairstyle, you will need a blow dryer with a curling diffuser as well as a mousse-like product.
Upon exiting the shower, pick your hair out with a wide-tooth comb. Then, you can apply your choice of mousse product to your hair while it is still wet. You may want to choose a product which is catered to curly hair, but almost any mousse product will work.
After you have prepped your hair to dry, clamp a diffuser onto the end of your hairdryer. This will allow you to have one hand free to scrunch your hair before applying the diffuser. Run your hairdryer at a low, medium heat while you proceed to dry your hair.
Be sure not to dry your hair completely because this can make it frizz out and begin to look too dry. Stop using the diffuser when your hair is moderately damp. Before turning your hairdryer off, switch to a quick burst of cold hair and run it through your locks. This will set your hair into place. Lastly, apply a generous amount of hairspray in conjunction with a little anti-frizz serum and you will be good to go