Okay, so I got a few people bugging me about how this works. You can get up to 70% of the profits from books that you self publish. All of the editing of your content is up to you though so you need to reread and make damn sure what you're putting out there is what you believe to be top quality stuff. Don't price it at the quality of steak and shrimp when really all your putting out there is ramen noodles. Be original and put something out there that people will really want to read or get use from. A really nice front cover never hurts too. The best format that I've found to have your book in when your uploading it will be PDF. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat you can always use this site to convert instead. I'll even be making a few videos just for this site because I think there are a lot of people that want to do this. Be Original, reread your work and don't sell ramen noodles at the price of gold.

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